
news/2025/2/25 16:19:59

2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> hot3.png

1.    It is powered by the SQLAlchemy which supports multiple databases including PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, simple sqlite and many others.

2.    Cubes install:


3.    Cubes purpose:

Purpose is to provide a framework for giving analyst or any application end-user understandable and natural way of reporting using concept of data Cubes – multidimensional data objects.

Analytical Workspace:

The analyital workspace manages cubes, shared (public) dimensions, data stores, model providers and model metadata. Provides aggregation browsers and maintains database connections





Cube data are stored somewhere or might be provided by a service. We call this data source a data store. A workspace might use multiple stores to get content of the cubes.

Supported SQL dialects (by SQLAlchemy) are: Drizzle, Firebird, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Sybase

Model Providers:

Model provider creates models of cubes, dimensions and other analytical objects. The models can be created from a metadata, database or an external source, such as API.



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